تأسست جمعية “السعي للتطور” تحت علم و خبر 2138 مركزها :بيروت 

اهدافها : 1-مساعدة الشباب في تأمين عمل لائق في الوطن عبر توجيهه الى الاختصاصات المطلوبة . 

2 – مساعدة  الشباب في تحصيله العلمي و تطوير مهاراته الانتاجبة.

3 – تبادل الخبرات العلمية مع الجامعات و المعاهد الفنية و التقنية و المراكز العلمية داخل و خارج لبنان ز

4 – التواصل مع هموم المستهلك و تقديم التطبيقات الرقمية المناسبة Quality control 

5- مواكبة تطوير الحاجات البيئية في لبنان و حماية جودة ونوعية الخدمات عبر توجيه و تدريب القطاعات المختلفة لتأمين الظروف البيئية الافضل .

6- تحفيز أصحاب رأس المال على الاستثمار عبر تقديم دراسات جدوى للمشاريع الانتاجية . 


      على  أن تطبق البنود المذكورة اعلاه وفقا للقوانين و الأنظمة المرعية الاجراء و بعد موافقة المراجع المختصة .

Why TAD?

Because we believe that taking care of our people is a joy and a sacred duty.

In Lebanon people are struggling from serious economic, social, and politic problems that TAD is aware of. It is not new, for decades now our country is at the lowest of human dignity.

TAD’s chairman and a group of friends decided that it is time to take action for change and for development. Development in education area. Development in ecological area. Development in health care area.

Every citizen has the right to live in a healthy environment, to benefit from a proper health care system, and to receive a decent education in schools and universities.

It is a big challenge and at TAD we are prepared to face it. We are a team and we are organized. To give in, is not an option for our team.

More specifically, TAD has already begun a series of steps, small steps maybe but it is a start. We are (all the team) working” pro bono” and all our projects are financed by our chairman.

The winter project: vaccination (for flu) for children and geriatrics in Bekaa (Hermel, Riit), in Tripoli, in Beirut and in South Lebanon. This project has been successfully achieved. 

Afforestation in Beirut Forest in collaboration with the French embassy. Done! Cleaning campaign in Achrafieh. Done! Soon in another region of Beirut and Lebanon.

In education area TAD is aiming to achieve a twinning project between several Lebanese universities and universities abroad. TAD is helping students from abroad to pass the Lebanese board in pharmacy and soon in other majors.

Many other projects are planned and ready.

TAD believes in change, and development. We know that it is a slow and difficult process. We also know that we are determinate to achieve our goals because we love our country and we love our people.